The Crimson Legion is a now-extinct Loyalist Space Marine Chapter and a Successor Chapter of the Blood Angels, created during an unknown Founding.
Created as they were from the Blood Angels' gene-seed, they carried the genetic flaws inherited from Sanguinius.
Like many of their contemporary Successor Chapters founded in later centuries, the Crimson Legion was greatly affected by the genetic flaws of their Blood Angels' heritage, the Black Rage and the Red Thirst.
When a Battle-Brother fell to the throes of the Black Rage he was placed within the ranks of the Chapter's Death Company.
Unlike their forebears, the Crimson Legion was known to take a much harsher, punitive attitude to their battle-lost brothers, hurling their Death Companies into battle with no concern for their lives and using them as a blunt instrument to break enemy front lines no matter the cost.
This Chapter displayed such merciless disregard many times across the span of millennia.
Chapter Appearance
Chapter Colours
The Crimson Legion's Chapter colours are not listed in current Imperial records.
Chapter Badge
The Crimson Legion's Chapter badge is not listed in current Imperial records.
- Index Astartes: Death Company (Digital Edition), pg. 6