Variant Deathwatch badge worn in the Era Indomitus.
Castilos Nullifact, also called Fort Nullifact, is a watch fortress of the Deathwatch Chapter located in the Segmentum Ultima.
This watch fortress is located in the northern Segmentum Ultima where its Astartes watch for the rise of the long-slumbering Necron dynasties. Forces from this watch fortress once assaulted a seemingly undefended Jokaero star-frame, only to be met by a fleet's worth of firepower.
During the Era Indomitus, far-ranging patrols from Castilos Nullifact found evidence of a mobile Genestealer Cult travelling between fringe worlds aboard a fleet of voidships and posing as Rogue Traders. They set off on the trail of the so-called Bringers of Enraptured Joy, and fought several battles against the monstrously corrupted settlements the xenos-worshippers had seeded in their wake.
- Codex Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch (7th Edition), pg. 13
- Codex Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch (8th Edition), pg. 27