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Warhammer 40k Wiki
Bonesinger Miniature

An Aeldari Bonesinger

A Bonesinger serves as a psychic engineer and craftsman for the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. The Bonesingers are the builders and maintainers of all Aeldari weapons, tools and even the Craftworlds themselves. These powerful xenos psykers are gifted in the arts of construction using the solidified power of the Warp. They use their telepathic ability to summon or psychically generate the solidified substance of the Immaterium the Aeldari call Wraithbone, which they construct into buildings or tools and use to repair the Aeldari's vehicles, weapons and armour.

Like all of their kind, the Bonesingers are following one of the many Asuryani Paths that determines their current focus and purpose in life. The Bonesinger's Path, the Path of Shaping, is closely related to both the Path of the Artisan and the Path of the Seer. During his or her time on the Path of Shaping, the Bonesinger is tasked with the construction and maintenance of Craftworld structures, weapons and machinery.

They do this through the psychic manipulation of Wraithbone, summoning this material into being from the raw energy of the Warp, then shaping and moulding it into various items, with the typical Aeldari concern that the item be aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. While Wraithbone is capable of naturally repairing itself over time, the process can be greatly enhanced by the psychic abilities of a Bonesinger. Bonesingers of the Il-Kaithe Craftworld are said to be the most skilled of the Aeldari Bonesingers, able to practice their art even in the heat of battle.


  • Codex: Craftworld Eldar (3rd Edition)
  • Codex: Eldar (4th Edition), pg. 13
  • Dawn of War (PC Game)
  • Path of the Seer (Novel) by Gav Thorpe

