The Inquisitorial Rosette of the Imperial Inquisition.
Aegult Caidin is an Inquisitor Lord who is the chair of the governing High Council of Inquisitors of the Calixian Conclave of the Inquisition in the Calixis Sector. Caidin is a shadowy figure who is only ever seen in public wearing a mask that obscures the Inquisitor Lord's features and his true identity.
From the Tricorn Palace in Scintilla's capital hive city of Hive Sibellus, Caidin supervises and directs the general policies and activities of the Inquisitors under his command, as well as individual specialist cabals of Inquisitors sent upon "special circumstance" missions. The Lord Inquisitor is seldom seen in public. It is said that he keeps his true likeness secret, even from close aides and allies, so as to be free to operate unmolested and unrecognised. His true age is not known.
Lord Inquisitor Caidin chairs the High Council of the Calixian Conclave, a ruling body of seventy senior Inquisitors drawn from all three of the Inquisition's Ordos Majoris, which orchestrates and monitors the Inquisition's work throughout the sector's territories. Estimates suggest that over eight thousand Inquisitorial personnel toil in the officio of the Tricorn Palace, from lowly scribes to archivists, from scholars to specialist Tech-adepts.
A small but potent army of Inquisitorial troops is garrisoned at the Tricorn Palace and dedicated voidships of the Inquisition are permanently stationed at high anchor above Scintilla for rapid response deployment. It is also suggested, but unconfirmed, that the Tricorn possesses its own astrotelepathic choir. In times of great crisis, the Officio of the High Council Calixis can call upon the help of any Imperial adepta it requires.
- Black Crusade Core Rulebook (RPG), pg. 317
- Dark Heresy: Core Rulebook (RPG), pp. 273, 316, 318-322