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|Escriba = El'Val}}
|Escriba = El'Val}}
{{Citación|Citación = Así como la fe gana las guerras, las guerras son alimentadas por la fe. Bienaventurados los que matan a los xenos, herejes y mutantes, pues ellos heredarán la galaxia.|Atribuida a = Hermana Isha}}
Faith as a manifest power is an ability that only the most dedicated of the Emperor’s servants will ever see, let alone command. How and why it works, and just why certain individuals or groups of individuals display it is even less understood than the powers of the psyker or the gifts of the Navigator. In fact there is only a tiny fraction of the Imperium that know it exists. Even within the ranks of the Ecclesiarchy, most priests live their entire lives accepting faith without ever seeing such wondrous miracles as can be performed by those touched by the divine. If there were to be an exception it would be the Adepta Sororitas, the Brides of the Emperor, women blessed with a special connection to the divine and the light of the Master of Mankind. Within the ranks of this sisterhood, the Sororitas live lives of complete dedication to the God-Emperor, raised and guided by his teachings. Perhaps it is this total devotion or their special connection to the divine that grants them the gifts of Faith, or perhaps it is their role as the militant arm of the church and their duty to protect it from its foes. Whatever the reason, the Adepta Sororitas share a special bond with the God-Emperor and more than any other group within His domain can channel the power of Faith, perhaps proving their favour in His eyes.
'''Actos de fe'''
However faith chooses its vessels, and however they can channel it to the Emperor’s bidding, one thing is for certain: faith cannot be forced, hunted, or captured, it must be found by a pure mind, a righteous heart and a complete devotion to the God-Emperor.
== Tipos de poderes de la fe ==
La fe como manifestación de fuerza es una habilidad que solo los más dedicados siervos del [[Emperador ]] verán alguna vez.  Por qué y cómo funciona, o por qué sólo algunos individuos pueden usarla, es más desconocido aún que el funcionamiento de los poderes [[psíquicos ]] o los dones de los [[Navegantes]] . Supuestamente sólo una pequeña parte del [[imperio ]] conoce su existencia. Incluso dentro de los rangos de la [[eclesiarquia]], muchos [[sacerdotes ]] viven toda su vida aceptando la fe sin nunca haber visto los maravillosos milagros de los que es capaz. Si hubiese una excepción esa sería el [[Adeptus Sororitas]], las esposas del Emperador, mujeres que tienen una conexión especial con el señor de la humanidad. Dentro de los rangos de la hermandad, las Sororitas viven su vida dedicándosela al Dios Emperador, criadas y enseñadas por sus lecciones. Quizá es su total devoción o su conexión especial con la divinidad lo que garantiza sus regalos de fe o tal vez es su rol de brazo militante de la eclesiarquia y su deber de protegerla contra sus enemigos. Cualquiera que sea la razón, el Adeptus Sororitas tiene un enlace especial con el Dios Emperador, mucho mayor que cualquier otro grupo dentro de sus dominios, y mucho más que el poder de la fe, tal vez como favor por sus servicios a la iglesia. 
There are three kinds of Faith reflecting different aspects of the God-Emperor and the different ways in which his servants interpret His Will. The three groups of Faith are:
* '''The Emperor’s Sign:''' Dedicated followers of the Imperial Creed reverie and worship the symbolism of the Emperor and the sacred marks and runes associated with Him. Throughout the Imperium the faithful greet each other with holy gestures such as the sign of the Aquila, or mark their homes with signs and wards, such as images of the Golden Throne, in order to repel evil. For those blessed with Pure Faith, however, these gestures, symbols, and signs are more than mere ritual and each one can become a potent focus for their single-minded devotion and bond with the God-Emperor. With these symbols a faithful disciple of the Emperor can repel warp spawn, shield himself or others from harm or even uncover a person’s true intent by bathing them in the unforgiving light of the Emperor.
* '''The Emperor’s Mercy:''' Healing and restoration miracles which can mend fl esh and bone as well as grant divine vigour to the faithful.
* '''The Emperor’s Wrath:''' Holy damage and exorcism with which the faithful can strike down their foes or banish daemons back to the warp
=== Burden of guilt ===
The God-Emperor suffers not the lies of his enemies and in His presence even the darkest of hearts will feel the weight of their falsehood heavy on their shoulders. With this the faithful projects the Emperor’s disdain for deceit so that all who look upon him or hear his voice will feel their own secrets gnawing at their conscience like a frenzied rat hungry for escape.
===Algunos actos de fe conocidos.===
=== Holy radiance ===
To stand in the presence of a truly faithful disciple of the God-Emperor is to bath in their confi dence and conviction. With this the faithful emanates an aura of pure faith and devotion to the Emperor that others nearby can experience. This aura will banish fear and doubt as well as steeling hearts and minds against the evils of the warp, giving the followers of the Creed the strength to stand against the foulest of foes.
=== Blessed ignorance ===
Look not upon the daemon, the heretic or the unclean enemies of the Emperor; it is through your eyes the foes of purity will lay siege to your soul. This allows the faithful to blind himself or others to creatures and objects which would rend his mind or tarnish his soul. Unfortunately for the faithful, that which he cannot see can still tear his throat out...
=== Light of the Emperor ===
Open your mind, body, and soul to the light of the Emperor and let it wash away your fear; in His radiance you are protected and none can stand against your sword. This fills the mind of the faithful and his allies with a powerful calm, preventing even the most horrific of things from unsettling them and allowing them to fi ght the foes of the Emperor with detached brutality.
=== Spirit of the Martyr ===
*'''<u>La firma del emperador</u>: Runas y símbolos utilizados por los fieles al Emperador, protegen contra los demonios y el caos.'''
It is through sacrifi ce and blood that we shall prove our devotion to the Emperor; we offer up our lives willingly in His service so that He may judge us worthy in His light. With this the faithful infuses himself and his allies with the spirit of the holy martyr, strengthening life and limb against hardship so that he might go on serving the Master of ankind where others fail.
*'''<u>La piedad del emperador</u>: milagros de curación y restauración que pueden curar las más desastrosas heridas y dar un vigor casi divino durante un corto periodo de tiempo.'''
*'''<u>La ira del emperador</u>: daño sagrado que el fiel puede utilizar para derrotar a sus enemigos o desterrar demonios a la disformidad.'''
*'''<u>Carga de culpa</u>: El Emperador no tolera las mentiras de sus enemigos en su reino, asique proyecta su enfado a través de un fiel, que causa que todo enemigo al que mire se vuelva loco al escuchar como sus oscuros secretos intentan escapar de su interior.'''
*'''<u>Bendita ignorancia:</u> el Emperador concede el poder de cegar a sus enemigos, desgarrar su alma o destruir su mente.'''
*'''<u>Luz del emperador</u>: El emperador protege al fiel y sus aliados cercanos del miedo y el terror, les produce calma y pensamientos más claros.'''
=='''Blood of Martyrs.'''==
“Through faith are wars won, through war is faith fuelled. Blessed
are those who slay the xenos, the heretic, and the mutant for they
shall inherent the galaxy.”
–Sister Isha
Faith as a manifest power is an ability that only the
most dedicated of the Emperor’s servants will ever see,
let alone command. How and why it works, and just
why certain individuals or groups of individuals display it is
even less understood than the powers of the psyker or the
gifts of the Navigator. In fact there is only a tiny fraction of
the Imperium that know it exists. Even within the ranks of
the Ecclesiarchy, most priests live their entire lives accepting
faith without ever seeing such wondrous miracles as can be
performed by those touched by the divine. If there were to
be an exception it would be the Adepta Sororitas, the Brides
of the Emperor, women blessed with a special connection to
the divine and the light of the Master of Mankind. Within the
ranks of this sisterhood, the Sororitas live lives of complete
dedication to the God-Emperor, raised and guided by his
teachings. Perhaps it is this total devotion or their special
connection to the divine that grants them the gifts of Faith, or
perhaps it is their role as the militant arm of the church and
their duty to protect it from its foes. Whatever the reason, the
Adepta Sororitas share a special bond with the God-Emperor
and more than any other group within His domain can channel
the power of Faith, perhaps proving their favour in His eyes.
However faith chooses its vessels, and however they can
channel it to the Emperor’s bidding, one thing is for certain:
faith cannot be forced, hunted, or captured, it must be found
by a pure mind, a righteous heart and a complete devotion to
the God-Emperor.
In Dark Heresy, faith is something that exists all around
the characters, infl uencing their world and the actions of its
inhabitants. For them, however, as rare individuals, it can become
something more, a force with which their devotion to the GodEmperor
is made manifest. This is the role that Faith plays within
the game, granting certain characters the ability to create effects
through the strength of their religious belief. However, Faith is
not available to everyone, even among the ranks of those chosen
to serve the Master of Mankind. Only those with the Pure Faith
Talent (see below) may access or use Faith Powers.
faith talents as elite advances
It may be that a player wishes his character to acquire
Faith Talents even though his Career Path does not include
them. In this case, with the GM’s permission, Faith Talents
can be used as Elite Advances (see page 42 in the Dark
Heresy rulebook) just like other skills and Talents. The
cost of gaining Talents in this way is ultimately up to the
GM, however as a general rule they should always be more
expensive than the same advance from a Career Path which
has access to Faith Talents as part of its Advancement Tables.
This book provides two alternate career ranks suitable for
faithful clerics (the Confessor and the Redemptionist). Many
clerics are true men of faith, devout in their belief and pure
of purpose. A GM may wish to consider allowing Clerics to
purchase Faith Talents as the Confessor or Redeemer does, even
if they do not take these alternate career ranks, if faith Talents are
appropriate for the campaign and character in question.
Finally, before a character can acquire any Faith Talents, they
must have the Pure Faith Talent, gained either through their
choice of background or some extraordinary circumstances.
Characters with Faith Talents can channel their faith into
effects, manifesting the power of the God-Emperor and their
unfl agging belief in his righteousness into protective wards,
holy blades, healing hands and other similar miraculous
effects. The main difference between normal Talents and Faith
Talents is that to use a Faith Talent a character must spend a
point of Fate, tapping into their destiny and expending it to
touch the divine. Using a Faith Talent also requires taking an
action (see page 188 in the Dark Heresy rulebook). This
means to use a Faith Talent a character needs to:
Use either a Full Action, Half Action or Reaction as
detailed in the Talents description. If no action is specifi ed
then using the Talent requires a Half Action.
Spend a Fate Point. If the character is a Void Born he may
use the Charmed Trait (see page 21 in the Dark Heresy
rulebook) as normal to recover this point of Fate.
Once these two requirements are met then the Faith Talent
will manifest its power as detailed within the Talent description.
Burning fate
Faith Talents can also have additional effects if the character
chooses to burn a Fate Point (see page 185 in the Dark
Heresy rulebook) to activate it rather than spending one as
normal. This represents the character making an impassioned
plea to the God-Emperor and reaching deep inside himself
to give his gift extra potency and divine energy. In many
cases the enhanced effects gained from a Talent by burning a
Fate Point are signifi cant, refl ecting that even the most fated
of individuals will only ever be able to manage this feat a
handful of times within their lives.
As suits its nature, Faith is not something that is easily or
exactly quantifi ed into hours, minutes or seconds. When a
miracle occurs it can last but a moment or persist for days.
To refl ect this, unless otherwise specifi ed within the Talent’s
description, all Faith Talent will last for one encounter/
combat. When a combat or encounter is over is always decided
by the GM, though usually it will be fairly obvious as battles
end or the Acolytes move on to another part of the adventure.
The exception to this broad rule for durations are Faith
Talents which either infl ict damage or heal wounds (or other
maladies) which will typically last only for an instant and end
once the effect has been resolved, i.e. the damage dealt or the
wounds healed. As always however the GM can decide to
have a Talent last longer or end sooner based on the situation.
After all, these are Emperor-given gifts and just as He bestows
them He can take them away...
There are three kinds of Faith Talents refl ecting different
aspects of the God-Emperor and the different ways in which
his servants interpret His Will. The three groups of Faith
Talents are:
The Emperor’s Sign: Wards and symbols used by the
faithful of the God-Emperor to protect against his enemies
or repel evil.
The Emperor’s Mercy: Healing and restoration miracles
which can mend fl esh and bone as well as grant divine vigour
to the faithful.
The Emperor’s Wrath: Holy damage and exorcism
with which the faithful can strike down their foes or banish
daemons back to the warp
Emperor’s Sign
Dedicated followers of the Imperial Creed reverie and
worship the symbolism of the Emperor and the sacred
marks and runes associated with Him. Throughout
the Imperium the faithful greet each other with holy gestures
such as the sign of the Aquila, or mark their homes with signs
and wards, such as images of the Golden Throne, in order to
repel evil. For those blessed with Pure Faith, however, these
gestures, symbols, and signs are more than mere ritual and
each one can become a potent focus for their single minded
devotion and bond with the God-Emperor.
Faith Talents of the Emperor’s Sign are focused on
protection and warding, allowing a character with the Pure
Faith Talent to enact powerful protective rituals and keep at
bay the powers of the warp. With these symbols a faithful
disciple of the Emperor can repel warp spawn, shield himself
or others from harm or even uncover a person’s true intent by
bathing them in the unforgiving light of the Emperor.
Burden of guilt
The God-Emperor suffers not the lies of his enemies and in
His presence even the darkest of hearts will feel the weight
of their falsehood heavy on their shoulders. With this Talent
the faithful projects the Emperor’s disdain for deceit so that
all who look upon him or hear his voice will feel their own
secrets gnawing at their conscience like a frenzied rat hungry
for escape.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith
Effect: Any character that can hear the voice of the
faithful, either face to face or via remote means such as a vox,
will fi nd it diffi cult to lie to them. If the character’s Willpower
is equal to or less than the faithful’s then he must win an
Opposed Willpower Test with the faithful to utter an out
and out lie without making a choking or coughing noise.
The GM may however grant the character a bonus of +10 to
+30 depending on whether or not they are merely bending
the truth or as a result of the severity of the lie. Characters
with a Willpower higher than the faithful are unaffected by
this Talent. GM should note that clever NPCs will seldom lie
directly, and may choose not to answer or change the subject
if they suspect something is up.
Burn: The faithful automatically wins the Opposed Test,
in addition he may attempt this Talent against those with a
Willpower higher than his (though he must make an Opposed
Test as normal).
holy radiance
To stand in the presence of a truly faithful disciple of the GodEmperor
is to bath in their confi dence and conviction. With
this Talent the faithful emanates an aura of pure faith and
devotion to the Emperor that others nearby can experience.
This aura will banish fear and doubt as well as steeling hearts
and minds against the evils of the warp, giving the followers
of the Creed the strength to stand against the foulest of foes.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith
Effect: All allies of the faithful that can both see and hear
him will gain immunity to Daemonic Presence just as if they
had the Pure Faith Talent themselves. In addition his calming
presence will reassure his allies that the Emperor is with them
and grants a +10 on all Fear Test regardless of their source.
Burn: Allies of the faithful that can both see and hear
him are immediately freed from the effects of Fear and any
ongoing psychic powers cast by daemons. In addition they
will also become immune to Fear for the remainder of the
Blessed ignorance
Look not upon the daemon, the heretic or the unclean enemies
of the Emperor; it is through your eyes the foes of purity will
lay siege to your soul. This Talent allows the faithful to blind
himself or others to creatures and objects which would rend
his mind or tarnish his soul. Unfortunately for the faithful,
that which he cannot see can still tear his throat out...
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Holy Radiance
Effect: The faithful and a number of allies up to his
Fellowship Bonus cannot perceive anything that would either
force a Fear Test, infl ict Insanity Points or infl ict Corruption
Points. Such creatures and objects become effectively invisible
to them (in actuality those affected simply cannot look
directly at them). This means that the faithful and his allies
will not need to make Fear Tests and will not suffer Insanity
Points or Corruption Points from such sources. However this
in no way prevents such a creature from attacking or acting in
any other way, and should the faithful or his allies attempt to
fi ght such creatures they must do so as if they were blind (see
page 201 in the Dark Heresy rulebook). This Talent can be
combined with the Master Orator Talent to affect more allies.
Burn: This Talent can be used retroactively after an
encounter, causing the faithful and his allies to completely
forget recent events and negate any Corruption Points,
Insanity Points or lasting Fear effects gained as a result of the
light of the emperor
Open your mind, body, and soul to the light of the Emperor
and let it wash away your fear; in His radiance you are
protected and none can stand against your sword. This Talent
fi lls the mind of the faithful and his allies with a powerful
calm, preventing even the most horrifi c of things from
unsettling them and allowing them to fi ght the foes of the
Emperor with detached brutality.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Holy Radiance
Effect: The faithful and a number of his allies up to twice
his Fellowship bonus gain a +20 on Fear Tests. In addition
creatures with a Fear Rating of 1 do not cause them to take
Fear Tests. Such is the disturbing calm this Talent bestows
upon the faithful, however, that while under its effects they
will suffer a –20 on all Interaction Skill Tests as they fail to
read emotions in others and display none themselves. This
Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to
affect more allies.
Burn: The effects last for the entire game session
It is through sacrifi ce and blood that we shall prove our
devotion to the Emperor; we offer up our lives willingly in
His service so that He may judge us worthy in His light. With
this Talent the faithful infuses himself and his allies with
the spirit of the holy martyr, strengthening life and limb
against hardship so that he might go on serving the Master of
Mankind where others fail.
Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Blessed Ignorance
Effect: The faithful and a number of his allies up to his
Fellowship Bonus become hardened against injury, especially
grievous and mortal wounds. While the power lasts, they add
the faithful’s Willpower Bonus to their Toughness Bonus
when reducing Impact and Rending Damage. In addition all
critical damage suffered is reduced by 1.
Burn: The faithful (though not his allies) can ignore death
effects from critical hits (though they may still lose limbs etc)
until the end of the encounter (at which point they will suffer
as normal, dying unless they burn a Fate Point).

Revisión del 21:12 5 dic 2016

Icono de esbozo Por orden de su Santísima Majestad, el Dios-Emperador de Terra. La Sagrada Inquisición declara este artículo En Construcción por El'Val. Si encuentra algún problema o falta de devoción por su parte, notifíquelo, un acólito del Ordo Hereticus estará encantado de investigarlo.


"Así como la fe gana las guerras, las guerras son alimentadas por la fe. Bienaventurados los que matan a los xenos, herejes y mutantes, pues ellos heredarán la galaxia."
Hermana Isha

Faith as a manifest power is an ability that only the most dedicated of the Emperor’s servants will ever see, let alone command. How and why it works, and just why certain individuals or groups of individuals display it is even less understood than the powers of the psyker or the gifts of the Navigator. In fact there is only a tiny fraction of the Imperium that know it exists. Even within the ranks of the Ecclesiarchy, most priests live their entire lives accepting faith without ever seeing such wondrous miracles as can be performed by those touched by the divine. If there were to be an exception it would be the Adepta Sororitas, the Brides of the Emperor, women blessed with a special connection to the divine and the light of the Master of Mankind. Within the ranks of this sisterhood, the Sororitas live lives of complete dedication to the God-Emperor, raised and guided by his teachings. Perhaps it is this total devotion or their special connection to the divine that grants them the gifts of Faith, or perhaps it is their role as the militant arm of the church and their duty to protect it from its foes. Whatever the reason, the Adepta Sororitas share a special bond with the God-Emperor and more than any other group within His domain can channel the power of Faith, perhaps proving their favour in His eyes.

However faith chooses its vessels, and however they can channel it to the Emperor’s bidding, one thing is for certain: faith cannot be forced, hunted, or captured, it must be found by a pure mind, a righteous heart and a complete devotion to the God-Emperor.

Tipos de poderes de la fe

There are three kinds of Faith reflecting different aspects of the God-Emperor and the different ways in which his servants interpret His Will. The three groups of Faith are:

  • The Emperor’s Sign: Dedicated followers of the Imperial Creed reverie and worship the symbolism of the Emperor and the sacred marks and runes associated with Him. Throughout the Imperium the faithful greet each other with holy gestures such as the sign of the Aquila, or mark their homes with signs and wards, such as images of the Golden Throne, in order to repel evil. For those blessed with Pure Faith, however, these gestures, symbols, and signs are more than mere ritual and each one can become a potent focus for their single-minded devotion and bond with the God-Emperor. With these symbols a faithful disciple of the Emperor can repel warp spawn, shield himself or others from harm or even uncover a person’s true intent by bathing them in the unforgiving light of the Emperor.
  • The Emperor’s Mercy: Healing and restoration miracles which can mend fl esh and bone as well as grant divine vigour to the faithful.
  • The Emperor’s Wrath: Holy damage and exorcism with which the faithful can strike down their foes or banish daemons back to the warp

Burden of guilt

The God-Emperor suffers not the lies of his enemies and in His presence even the darkest of hearts will feel the weight of their falsehood heavy on their shoulders. With this the faithful projects the Emperor’s disdain for deceit so that all who look upon him or hear his voice will feel their own secrets gnawing at their conscience like a frenzied rat hungry for escape.

Holy radiance

To stand in the presence of a truly faithful disciple of the God-Emperor is to bath in their confi dence and conviction. With this the faithful emanates an aura of pure faith and devotion to the Emperor that others nearby can experience. This aura will banish fear and doubt as well as steeling hearts and minds against the evils of the warp, giving the followers of the Creed the strength to stand against the foulest of foes.

Blessed ignorance

Look not upon the daemon, the heretic or the unclean enemies of the Emperor; it is through your eyes the foes of purity will lay siege to your soul. This allows the faithful to blind himself or others to creatures and objects which would rend his mind or tarnish his soul. Unfortunately for the faithful, that which he cannot see can still tear his throat out...

Light of the Emperor

Open your mind, body, and soul to the light of the Emperor and let it wash away your fear; in His radiance you are protected and none can stand against your sword. This fills the mind of the faithful and his allies with a powerful calm, preventing even the most horrific of things from unsettling them and allowing them to fi ght the foes of the Emperor with detached brutality.

Spirit of the Martyr

It is through sacrifi ce and blood that we shall prove our devotion to the Emperor; we offer up our lives willingly in His service so that He may judge us worthy in His light. With this the faithful infuses himself and his allies with the spirit of the holy martyr, strengthening life and limb against hardship so that he might go on serving the Master of ankind where others fail.


The wicked and the corrupt will rot in the sight of the Emperor’s faithful, His divine light turning their dark hearts to acid in their chests and burning them with their sin. This Talent turns a creature’s corruption inwards, wracking its body with pain and burning its fl esh as its evil is refl ected back upon it by the blessed presence of the Emperor’s chosen. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Burden of Guilt Effect: The faithful can choose a single creature that he can both see and which can also hear his voice, but which may not have a Willpower greater than his or more than twice his number of Wounds. The chosen creature and the faithful must then make an Opposed Willpower Test. If the creature fails then it will be struck with Soul Decay for the remainder of the encounter/combat. If the creature has any Corruption Points then it will suffer a –10 on all tests as it is wracked with pain. In addition Daemons and psykers also suffer 1 point of damage each round that cannot be reduced by armour or Toughness, until they fl ee the faithful’s sight. Burn: The faithful will affect all creatures within his sight with Soul Decay.


Fear is the currency of the alien, the heretic, and the mutant; through the strength of the God-Emperor and the will of the just, the faithful will repay such coin in kind. This Talent allows the faithful to turn fear back upon his foes and break their minds as the minds of his fl ock may be broken, visiting upon them the darkest darkness from within their own twisted hearts. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Light of the Emperor Effect: This Talent will affect both the faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus. While in effect, whenever they are affected by a result on the Shock Table (see page 232 in the DARK HERESY RULEBOOK), the source of the Fear must also make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or suffer an identical result (as if they themselves had failed a Fear Test and rolled it on the Shock Table). Creatures immune to Fear are not affected by this ability. Burn: The faithful and his allies must still make Fear Tests and roll on the Shock Table; however they are no longer affected by the results.


Cast out the daemon, the unclean, and the spawn of the warp; from His holy graces you are delivered into the light and from the darkness of the pit your foes will return. This Talent allows the faithful to force a creature of the warp, such as a daemon, to retreat and can, with a suitable strength of will, keep it at bay, powerless to approach the favoured servant of the God-Emperor. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Holy Radiance, Soul Decay Effect: The faithful utters a prayer of warding and makes a powerful gesture against all warp spawn in his presence. While in effect any creature of the warp, such as a daemon, must win an Opposed Willpower Test to approach the faithful closer than 3 times his Willpower Bonus in metres. Should the creature pass this test it must win a second Opposed Willpower Test to touch the faithful. Creatures which are within this radius when the ability is activated and fail the Opposed Willpower Test are immediately pushed to a distance of 3 times the Willpower Bonus of the faithful. This power only repels daemons from the faithful and not from his allies, though they can stay close to him to benefi t from it. In addition this Talent only repels daemons and does not hurt them, prevent them from using ranged weapons and psychic powers or penalise them in any other way. Burn: The effects last for the entire game session

daemon trap

Just as the sign of the Emperor is abhorrent to the daemon, so too are the marks of his faith; these sacred runes are the shackles of the just and the chains of the true, binding and fettering the warp spawn within a prison of the Materium. This Talent allows the faithful to trap a daemon by blessing a specially constructed protective circle with potent symbols and the divine power of the God-Emperor. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Repel Daemon Effect: The faithful must draw a protective circle on the ground, taking at least 5 minutes. This circle can be no larger in diameter than the faithful’s Willpower Bonus in metres, though it can be constructed out of any materials at hand (chalk, twigs, blood etc). The faithful then blesses the circle. From this moment it becomes a daemon trap and any daemon stepping into it or trying to cross it must make a Hard (–20) Willpower Test or become trapped and unable to leave the circle. Trapped daemons cannot themselves disturb the circle, though they can otherwise act normally. If a trapped daemon attempts to use a psychic power, its Threshold is increased by 10 refl ecting the diffi culty of drawing from the warp while within the circle. The circle will remain indefi nitely until it is broken in some way. A daemon will remain trapped in the circle until it is broken and the daemon freed or the daemon is destroyed and returns to the warp. Burn: The faithful can construct vast daemon traps up to 10 times his Willpower Bonus in metres diameter. Such traps take at least an hour to construct.

holy light

From His eyes the sight of clarity, from His mouth the words of truth and from His heart the light of the just which shines across the stars into the darkest corners of His domain. This Talent summons a divine light from within the faithful which causes him to glow with a pearly white radiance, dispelling darkness and making him hard to look upon, especially by the corrupt or the servants of the warp. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Holy Radiance Effect: The faithful burns with a bright white inner light illuminating the area around him as clear as day for 10 metres, and in twilight for another 10 metres. Looking at the faithful close up is hard, and melee attacks, or point blank ranged attacks are at a –20 to hit. At range however he does stand out and provides a +10 bonus to ranged attacks taken at long and extreme range. This does more than merely illuminate, however; it also burns those touched by the warp. Creatures with 20 or more Corruption Points, daemons, or psykers which stand within 5 metres of the faithful will suffer 1d10 Energy damage each round to their least armoured location. They must also make an Easy (+20) Willpower Test each round or catch on fi re (see page 210 in the Dark Heresy rulebook). Burn: The effects of this Talent last for the entire game session.

divine symBol

With His mark you are protected, with His sign you shield yourself against the dark and with His symbol you lock your soul against the evil of the warp. This Talent allows the faithful to place a divine mark upon himself or one of his allies, protecting them from psychic attack, possession and other daemonic tampering. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Daemon Trap Effect: The faithful inscribes the divine symbol onto himself or an ally. The bearer of the symbol is then immune to possession while its power lasts. In addition the bearer gains a +30 on all Tests to resist psychic powers, be they from daemons or other sources. Finally daemons and other creatures of the warp will suffer a –10 to hit the bearer with their natural weapons such as claws and fangs. This Talent will not work if the subject has more than 20 Corruption Points (such individuals have a gateway in their soul through which the evils of the warp might travel). Burn: The faithful can affect himself and up to a number of allies equal to his Willpower Bonus.

seal of purity

And the enemies of the God-Emperor looked upon His seal and despaired, for in its shadow they were powerless and could only cower before His might. With this Talent the faithful can inscribe a potent and sacred version of the Aquila upon the ground and bless it with the divine power of the God-Emperor himself so that his foes might recoil from its presence and be unable to cross its outstretched wings. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Symbol Effect: Crafting a Seal of Purity takes no less than 1 hour to complete and requires a suitable surface and materials (such as chalk, bones, blood etc). The faithful then blesses the seal. Once blessed no daemon or creature of warp can cross the seal or any point within 10 metres of it (for this reason seals are often placed on doors, bridges and the like). Nor can daemons disturb the seal directly (though their human minions might). Finally psychic powers used by daemons cannot cross the seal, their effects negated if their target or area of effect lies beyond it. The seal will remain active and in place until it is broken. Greater daemons are not affected by this ability. Burn: The seal will also repel any creature with a strong connection to the warp—creatures with 20 or more Corruption Points or a Psy Rating of 3 or more.

Emperor’s Mercy

It is taught that the Emperor can show mercy just as he may show wrath. For His avowed followers faith can mend wounds, heal minds and strengthen souls against the degradations and decay of the warp. Mercy is not always kind or gentle however, and those that beseech the Master of Mankind for clemency or respite may well fi nd his ministrations bloody and fi nal. The servants of the Ecclesiarchy accept this as their due and pass such mercies on to their fl ock as the just rewards of a lifetime’s service to the God-Emperor; a service that can only be fulfi lled in death.

Faith Talents of the Emperor’s Mercy are focused on mending the body, minds, and souls of the faithful, though usually at a cost (only in sacrifi ce can one serve the Emperor). Mercy Talents can also harden the body and mind against terrible trials and impart divine strength and fortitude when in the service of the God-Emperor so that the faithful may complete vital tasks despite hideous wounds.


The child of the man holds within him the seed of the GodEmperor’s divinity, which may be nurtured and grown only through the power of true faith. With this Talent the faithful imparts a fragment of his divine connection to the GodEmperor onto his allies, blessing them with a powerful Grace to shape their destiny and protect them from harm. Prerequisites: Pure Faith Effect: The faithful can choose to share his Fate Points with his allies, allowing him to spend a Fate Point to allow an ally that he can see to re-roll a failed test. In addition to this effect the faithful also enhances his own fate and will recover any Fate Points used in this encounter (including the one spent to activate this Talent) on a 1d10 roll of 8, 9 or 10. If the faithful is a Void Born this roll replaces the roll from the Charmed Trait (see page 21 in the Dark Heresy rulebook).

This Talent only works on humans (i.e. not mutants, xenos

etc) and only on those with 20 or fewer Corruption Points. Burn: In addition to the above effects, at the end of the encounter every ally that the faithful can see regains one spent fate point and immediately regains a further spent fate point on a 1d10 roll of 8, 9 or 10 (replacing Charmed).

martyr’s gift

Only through pain and blood is the body made pure, its fragile fl esh made whole through the sacrifi ce of the faithful and the tears of the willing martyr. With this Talent the faithful can heal the injured, knitting together bloody fl esh and mending splintered bones. Such a great gift comes with a heavy price however, and for every cut or rend the faithful restores he will himself suffer a similar wound. Prerequisites: Pure Faith Effect: The faithful can heal wounded creatures by laying on his hands and taking their injuries onto himself. This is a Full Action and requires the subject to remain perfectly still (i.e. they may take no actions themselves). The faithful can then transfer any amount of Damage from the subject to themselves at ratio of 1:1. The faithful can also transfer Critical Damage from the subject in the same way, suffering 5 wounds for each Critical effect healed while the subject will be miraculously healed of them. Note that it is entirely possible for the faithful to kill himself if he uses this Talent to heal multiple critically wounded subjects. If the faithful suffers critical damage from healing it is considered energy damage. Burn: The faithful may use this Talent to bring back the recently deceased (provided of course their body is relatively intact) as if they had burned a Fate Point to avoid death (see page 185 in the Dark Heresy rulebook). Doing so however immediately removes all the faithful’s wounds and infl icts 1d10 points of critical damage upon him which cannot be reduced by armour or Toughness.

divine endurance

In the service of the God-Emperor a man will endure as the Imperium has endured and he will stand unbowed and unbroken as has the Imperium of Mankind. With this Talent the faithful imparts the ageless endurance of the Imperium, realm of the God-Emperor, into his allies, allowing them to press on even when their bodies grow tired or their limbs weary—motivated by visions of the glory of the Emperor’s domain which has lasted millennia. Prerequisites: Pure Faith Effect: The faithful can grant this ability to himself and a number of his allies equal to his Fellowship Bonus. While it lasts, both the faithful and his allies will ignore any Fatigue levels they suffer, regardless of the source. In addition, any Fatigue levels they may have already suffered are ignored for the duration of the ability. At the GM’s discretion he may extend the duration of this ability to last for the course of a journey (provided it is for a suitably holy purpose) such as a trek across a world or climbing a mountain. This Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to affect more allies. Burn: Those affected by Divine Endurance also again the Unnatural Toughness (x2) Trait (see page 332 in the Dark Heresy rulebook) for the duration of the encounter.


The strong are bolstered by the word of the God-Emperor and the prayers of the faithful. With an open heart and a vengeful mind the songs of the just will lift him up and allow him to soar like a holy warrior striking fear into the souls of the unclean. With this Talent the faithful may pray for one of his allies, granting them the strength and spirit to overcome their wounds, cast off their mortal shackles, and push on to the very edge of death itself. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Endurance Effect: The faithful may choose a single ally which can both see him and hear his voice. As long as the faithful then spends a Full Action each round praying, the ally will gain respite from his injuries and may ignore the effects of Fatigue and critical injuries. Note however that this does not heal the subject in any way and missing limbs, bleeding and the like will continue to affect them. It also does not prevent the subject from dying if they suffer a fatal critical effect. Burn: The faithful may affect a number of allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus.

divine ministration

Blessed are the hands of the healer that they may restore the mangled limbs of the faithful and send them back into the fray. This Talent allows the faithful to enhance his healing abilities and dispel the effects of fatigue upon his allies, restoring their vigour and allowing them to continue to bring death and ruin to the God-Emperor’s foes. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Martyr’s Gift Effect: The faithful can use this Talent to add their Willpower Bonus to the amount of Damage they heal using the Medicae skills (See page 104 in the Dark Heresy rulebook). This ability only works once for each test made, though it may be activated after the faithful has successfully passed a skill test and may effect multiple skill tests performed on multiple targets in succession. Alternatively the faithful may use this Talent to remove all levels of Fatigue from allies who can both see him and hear his voice. Finally such is the intuitive healing ability this Talent imparts on the faithful that all Medicae tests, even those made without activating the Talent, are made easier by one step (i.e. Diffi cult (–10) Tests become Challenging (+0), Challenging (+0) become Routine (+10) etc). This Talent only works on subjects with 20 or fewer Corruption Points. Burn: The faithful restores all Wounds to a single ally when using the Medicae skill to heal them.

miraculous recovery

Potent is the power of the God-Emperor that even the greatest of injuries and the most grievous of wounds are as nothing when bathed in his divine light. This Talent allows the faithful to perform a miraculous healing and mend broken limbs, torn fl esh, and missing ears. Only the faithful may benefi t from this miracle however and they seldom survive completely intact. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Ministrations Effect: The faithful can remove a crippling injury from a creature by spending a night praying over their body and beseeching the aid of the God-Emperor. In the morning the creature can remove a single crippling injury (such as broken limb or missing nose). However missing limbs and eyes cannot be restored with this Talent. Such is the strain of this ritual on both the faithful and the subject that upon its completion both will suffer 1d5 Insanity Points which cannot be prevented in any way (such as with the use of other Faith Talents). Only subjects with 20 or fewer Corruption Points can benefi t from this Talent. Burn: Even missing limbs or eyes can be restored.

mental calm

Clear your mind of fear, madness and decay; in the service of the God-Emperor no man need carry humanity’s burden alone—we are the teeming masses of humanity and rightful masters of the galaxy. This Talent allows the faithful to wash away recent horrors and reinforce a sense of purpose and might in his followers focusing their minds to the single task of service to the Emperor. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Grace Effect: The faithful can use this Talent as a Full Action in the turn after he or any of his allies gain Insanity Points. The ability washes away the taint of madness, negating 1d5 Insanity Points gained by either the faithful, or one of his allies, in the previous round. In addition the calm instilled by this ability will remain for the rest of the encounter and reduce any further Insanity Point gains by 1. Burn: The Talent will affect both the faithful and a number of his allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus.

spiritual cleansing

Your body is a temple to the God-Emperor, your blood and bones your sacrament, your soul a symbol of your faith; let none foul your temple lest your faith be likewise fouled. This Talent allows the faithful to purge his soul of some of the taint of the warp, casting off a portion of its dark power before it has time to take root and begin a slow decay of spirit. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Endurance Effect: The faithful can use this Talent as a Full Action in the turn after he or any of his allies gain Corruption Points. The ability purges the touch of the warp negating 1d5 Corruption Points gained by either the faithful, or one of his allies, in the previous round. In addition the warp protection invoked with this ability will remain for the rest of the encounter and reduce any further Corruption Point gains by 1. Characters with 20 or more Corruption Points cannot benefi t from this ability—they are too far gone already. Burn: The Talent will affect both the faithful and a number of his allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus. of his allies, in the previous round. In addition the warp protection invoked with this ability will remain for the rest of the encounter and reduce any further Corruption Point gains by 1. Characters with 20 or more Corruption Points cannot benefi t from this ability—they are too far gone

The Talent will

affect both the faithful and a number of his allies up to twice his Fellowship Bonus.


Free the mind from doubt, fear, and darkness! Look to the light of the God-Emperor and let his divine presence remind you of your purpose—you are the faithful of the Imperium and you cannot falter in the face of its foes. This Talent allows the faithful to free his mind, or that of his allies from the grip of fear or the insidious powers of the psyker, restoring them to clarity and control. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Mental Calm Effect: The faithful uses this ability as a Full Action affecting both himself and a number of allies equal to his Fellowship Bonus that can both see and hear him. Those affected will immediately overcome the effects of Fear (i.e., the results of their roll on the Shock Table) and may act normally on their following turn. In addition recipients of this ability may also make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test to free themselves of any detrimental ongoing psychic powers. This Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to affect more allies. Burn: Those affected by this ability automatically pass all Fear Tests for the remainder of the encounter.

no rest for the faithful

Only in death does duty to the God-Emperor end, and only when faith is extinguished will you truly die. With this Talent the faithful push themselves beyond the frailties of their mortal frames, shaking off wounds, casting aside injury and ignoring pain so that they may serve His will until the end. Such a divine drive has its price and once the faithful’s task is done his body may never recover. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Respite Effect: With this ability the faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus may ignore the effects of critical injuries for the duration of the encounter, with the exception of those that would result in limb loss or death. However, should they suffer a critical effect that would result in death they can instead choose to permanently lose 1d10 Toughness and choose to suffer another lesser critical effect (of the GM’s choosing) to the same body location and of the same damage type as the one that would have killed them (which will affect them normally). This ability is also hugely taxing and once the encounter ends any of those who have benefi ted from it will suffer 1d5 Fatigue levels (quite possibly knocking them unconscious). Burn: Those affected by this ability may ignore the effects of limb loss just as with other types of critical damage, but only for the duration of the encounter, after which the critical damage will take effect (i.e. a lost limb kept functioning for the battle will now return to its crippled state).


And he rose anew, as if lifted from the grave by the hand of the God-Emperor, restored by divine providence and ready once again to face the foes of mankind. With this Talent the faithful channels the power of his faith into a fallen comrade, fi lling their broken frame with life and purpose and tasking them once more with carrying on the Emperor’s holy crusade. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Ministration, No Rest for the Faithful Effect: Whenever the faithful or one of his allies (who can hear him) dies and spends a Fate Point to avoid death (See page 185 in the Dark Heresy rulebook) he may use this ability to revitalise them. The target is immediately restored to full Wounds, has all critical damage and levels of Fatigue removed, crippled limbs and blindness are healed (though not lost limbs), and the effects of any toxins are negated. In effect, the target is restored completely. Burn: For the duration of the encounter (provided the faithful is alive) whenever the faithful or his allies burn Fate to avoid death they will benefi t from the effects of the Resurrection.

Emperor’s Wrath

As all those who follow the Imperial Creed know, the Emperor is a vengeful god, quite likely to smite and not likely to forgive those who trespass against the faith. Those that stray from the teaching of the God-Emperor, or sin against his holy word are prone to find torment and destruction at the hands of his faithful. In fact it is part of the Cult of the Emperor that all those who swear allegiance to the Golden Throne suffer not the unbelievers, heretics, and sinners to live within his sight, seeking them out where they hide beneath the skin of the Imperium and cleansing them in burning flame. The Emperor’s wrath is ever plentiful and his servants every ready to vent it on his foes. Faith Talents of the Emperor’s Wrath are focused on dealing damage to the foes of the Emperor: the alien, the heretic, and the daemon. With these Talents the faithful can strengthen their sword arms, guide their bolt shells, and create blessed promethium with which to burn enemies to ash. Those especially skilled in channelling the wrath of the Emperor can even exorcise daemons, casting them out of their mortal shells and hurling them back into the warp.

Wrath of the Righteous

May the God-Emperor guide my hand toward the foes that I might rend him with my righteous indignation, breaking his bones, spilling his blood and piercing his flesh with my faith. This ability focuses the faithful’s Emperor-born rage into his attacks, channelling His divine anger and wrath into each stroke of his blade as he fells the heretics and the unbelievers. Prerequisites: Pure Faith Effect: With this Talent the faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus which can both see him and hear his voice are filled with the Emperor’s wrath. This increases all damage inflicted in melee (i.e. with melee weapons or when fighting unarmed) by 1d5. In addition this Talent also increases the chances of Righteous Fury (see page 195 in the Dark Heresy Rulebook) so that it occurs on a roll of 9 or 10 rather than just 10. Note however this only affects the first damage roll to trigger Righteous Fury and not any subsequent damage rolls to determine its effects (i.e. the open ended damage rolls). This Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to affect more allies. Burn: The damage from Wrath of the Righteous is increased to 2d10.

Hand of the Emperor

And lo, the hand of the God-Emperor came down upon the heretic, the mutant, and the alien, crushing them beneath its fury and revealing to them the folly of their ways. This ability charges the faithful with a potent strength, binding his frame in divine energies and strengthening bone and muscle so that he might better crush his foes with mighty blows and unforgiving brutality. Prerequisites: Pure Faith Effect: The faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus are filled with the might of the GodEmperor, increasing their strength and physical power. All those affected gain the Unnatural Strength (x2) trait as their muscles harden. However with this strength comes a lumbering slowness and a reduction of movement. Those affected have their Agility Bonus reduced by 2 for the duration of the ability (note that this will affect everything dependant on AB such as movement and initiative). Burn: The faithful and his allies gain the Unnatural Strength (x3) trait rather than Unnatural Strength (x2).

Divine Guidance

Let the Emperor guide my aim, let his eye be my eye as I fire my weapon at the foes of the Imperium so that my shots might strike true and send my enemies to their eternal rest. This ability guides the aim of the faithful so that they sense more than see when to fire at the enemy, their shots striking home over extreme distances or even in the pitch-dark, guided to their targets by the will of the God-Emperor and the power of their faith. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Wrath of the Righteous Effect: With this Talent the faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus can be blessed with Divine Guidance. Those affected can then ignore a single range penalty (regardless of size) when making ranged attacks. So for example they could choose to make a Called Shot (see page 198 in the Dark Heresy Rulebook) and ignore the –20 to hit, or fire at a target at Extreme Range (see page 198 in the Dark Heresy Rulebook) and ignore the –30 to hit, or a Scrawny Target (see page 199 in the Dark Heresy Rulebook) and ignore the –10 to hit. Only one penalty may be ignored however and if multiple penalties are at work only the largest may be ignored. In addition there is a chance that a good shot may bypass the target’s armour, finding a chink or hole that only divine providence could guide a round through. If the faithful or his allies score (and confirm with a second attack roll) Righteous Fury (see Dark Heresy page 195) with a ranged attack, they may choose to ignore its effects and instead discount the target’s armour (effectively only reducing damage based on the target’s Toughness Bonus). Burn: The faithful and his allies ignore all penalties to hit with ranged weapons provided they do not exceed a total of -60 to hit. In addition they may fire blind (such as through doors or into darkness) without penalty, though there must still be a target in the path of their fire for a there to be a chance to score a hit.

The Passion

Your love for the God-Emperor will know no bounds, his glory will fill your heart to bursting and you will run and scream with joy at the sound of His name; filled with his divine light you are a tireless soldier of the Imperium and a holy instrument of the faith. This ability infuses the faithful with a powerful passion and energy, allowing him and his IV: Faith and Fury 110 allies to move in a frenzy of righteous speed so that they might better reach their foes and rend them to pieces. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Guidance Effect: The faithful and a number of his allies up to his Fellowship Bonus are gifted with a fathomless passion for serving the God-Emperor, increasing their agility and speed. All those affected gain the Unnatural Agility (x2) trait as their limbs quicken and their movement becomes blurred (note that this will affect everything dependant on AB such as movement and initiative). In addition such is their zeal that they react to attacks with blinding speed and an almost divine sixth sense. This adds +10 to both Dodge and Parry Tests as well as allowing them to roll two dice and choose the highest when determining initiative. Burn: The faithful and his allies gain the Unnatural Agility (x3) trait rather than Unnatural Agility (x2).

Flames of Faith

Holy is the flame of the Emperor, that it might burn away the evil of his enemies and cast those spawned from the warp back into their places of freezing darkness and unending night. This Talent places a powerful blessing on the fires of the faithful making them burn more fiercely and making them especially deadly to daemons and creatures of the Immaterium. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Wrath of the Righteous Effect: As a Full Action the faithful may bless a burning fire (up to twice his Fellowship Bonus in metres diameter), a clip of incendiary ammunition (this could also be a grenade or rocket round) or a weapon that produces flame (such as a flamer, though not a melta gun or plasma gun). Such blessed fire then burns hotter and will inflict an additional 1d10 damage on all those that come into contact with it. It also has a greater chance of setting things on fire and imposes a –10 penalty to Agility Tests by those who are touched by it to avoid bursting into flame. In addition, it is deadly to daemons, inflicting a further 1d10 damage and counting as a holy attack when used against daemons. Burn: The fires burn hotter still. They inflict 2d10 additional damage rather than 1d10, and all their damage counts as Explosive rather than Energy as the fire literally tears the target into flaming gobbets of meat!

Righteous Frenzy

Never forget the righteousness of our cause, for to waver in our conviction to the God-Emperor is to invite his foes into our heart and infect us with their filth. With this Talent the faithful and his allies fill themselves with a divine madness and rage against their foes, flying into a righteous frenzy and striking out at the unbelievers and the heretics like a bottomless pit of anger. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Wrath of the Righteous, The Passion Effect: By taking a Full Action, chanting and screaming prayers, the faithful and a number of allies up to his Fellowship Bonus that can both see him and hear his voice can enter into a frenzy. For the duration of the encounter the faithful and his allies are considered to be in a state of frenzy just as if they had the Frenzy Talent (see Dark Heresy page 116). This works in exactly the same way as the Talent with the exception that those under the ability’s effects will never attack each other regardless of the circumstances. In addition, if the faithful already has the Frenzy Talent, using this ability becomes easier and he may trigger it with a free action. This Talent can be combined with the Master Orator Talent to affect more allies. Burn: Such is the power of the Frenzy that the faithful and his allies gain strength from shedding the blood of their foes. Whenever they kill a foe in their frenzied state they immediately recover 1d5 lost Wounds. Only the character which deals the killing blow gains the benefit.

Might of the Emperor

Blessed are the faithful, for they have within them the power of the God-Emperor and are transformed by it into His divine vessel and tool of vengeance. This Talent allows the faithful to become a vessel for the Emperor’s power increasing his strength and stamina but at the same time overcoming him with a religious mania which can blind him to reason and make his words unintelligible to the ears of common men. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Hand of the Emperor, The Passion Effect: With this ability the faithful fills himself with divine power and grows in physical power and might. He increases all his physical characteristics (Strength, Toughness and Agility) by +10 (with the corresponding +1 to their characteristic bonuses). However the power also fills the faithful’s mind with religious madness and visions of the God-Emperor’s glory, diminishing his ability to think and interact socially. This has the effect of reducing all his mental characteristics (Perception, Intelligence, and Fellowship) with the exception of Willpower by –10 (with the corresponding –1 to their characteristic bonuses). In addition he speaks in a mix of religious riddles and holy verse which can be difficult to understand (requiring a Hard (–30) Intelligence Test or a Challenging (+0) Common Lore (Imperial Creed) Test). The GM should encourage players to role-play this mania. Burn: The effects last for an entire game session rather than just a single encounter.

The Unforgiving Blade

Blessed are the blades that smite the daemon, the witch, and the psyker. With divine steel the children of the warp are cut deep, and their blood spilled as a sign of their betrayal of the purity of humanity. This ability allows the faithful to bless a blade to deal horrific damage to those who are either touched by the warp or call upon its powers as part of their cursed existence. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Wrath of the Righteous Effect: With this Talent the faithful can place a potent blessing on a single melee weapon that already inflicts Rending Damage. The blessed weapon inflicts an extra 1d10 damage and gains 2 more points of penetration when used against daemons, psykers and creatures with 20 or more corruption points. In addition, blows from this weapon count as holy attacks when used against daemons. Such a weapon is difficult for the unclean to wield, and when grasped by a psyker or character with 20 or more corruption points it will burn, inflicting 1d5 Energy Damage each round he holds it which cannot be reduced by armour or Toughness. Burn: The faithful can bless a number of weapons equal to twice his Fellowship Bonus provided he can lay hands on each one (a Half Action per weapon).

Divine Touch

Even the lightest of touches by those blessed by the divine God-Emperor are as acid to the flesh of the corrupt, the pure light of the faithful’s soul burning into the vile darkness of the heretic’s mind and causing him to cry out in pain and despair. This Talent allows the faithful to bring terrible pain and crippling agony to those tainted by the warp, either diminishing their power (in the case of daemons) or causing them debilitating torment (in the case of psykers and others tainted by the warp). Prerequisites: Pure Faith, The Passion, Divine Guidance Effect: With this ability the faithful lays hands upon the corrupt and warp tainted causing them excruciating pain. This requires the faithful to touch the target (standard melee attack) on exposed skin (this may be a Called Shot –20 at the GM’s discretion). If the target is a psyker or has 20 or more corruption points they must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test. If they fail then the faithful rolls 1d5+2 and applies the effects of an Energy Critical to the location touch. Note however that no actual wounds are inflicted but Stunning and levels of Fatigue are applied. The ability can also be used on daemons forcing them to make an Instability Test (see Dark Heresy page 333) with a –30 penalty. Burn: The faithful may make Divine Touch attacks until the end of the encounter. In addition the faithful rolls 1d10+2 to determine the effects of the critical. If used on a daemon they suffer a -60 to their Instability Test rather than a –30.

Religious Hysteria

Together the faithful are unstoppable. We are the teeming billions of humanity, the God-Emperor’s faithful and his devoted servants. Our power lives on the lips of the devout and spreads like fire through the air on the strength of our words. This ability starts a chain of religious hysteria which spreads through the minds of citizens and can turn a crowd of sullen hab workers into a raging mob of religious zealots ready to tear the throats from the unrighteous. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Righteous Frenzy Effect: This Talent allows the faithful to spread a religious rapture among Imperial citizen filling them with righteous zeal. For this to take root the faithful must be able to preach to a group of citizens for at least 10 minutes and have their attention for the duration of that time. After this, the faithful makes an Opposed Willpower Test with the crowd (which can be of any size provided they can see and hear him without the means of technology, i.e. in the flesh) to see if his message has taken root. If it does the crowd will become a mob and begin to spread the word of the Emperor. For the next 24 hours any person the mob comes into contact with must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or join the mob. The faithful can then direct the mob against his enemies (as long as they can reasonably also be the enemies of the Emperor), either in his initial sermon or by leading them. The mob, and all of its members, will benefit from the Hatred Talent (see Dark Heresy page 117) toward a single foe, described by the faithful in his sermon. This is not mind control and will not cause the members of the mob to needlessly endanger themselves or act wildly out of character, but it will awaken their natural devotion to the Imperium and hatred of the Emperor’s enemies. Burn: Those affected by Religious Hysteria will also gain the effects of Righteous Frenzy. This of course will probably reduce an entire area into chaos and madness as the population turns in upon itself in an orgy of cleansing violence.

Soul Storm

You are the centre of the God-Emperor’s might, you are his focus upon the world of men and through your will and your soul flows his burning light. This ability allows the faithful to unleash a fearsome soul storm in a flash of blinding light and burning flame, cleansing an area of the warp, its spawn, and those touched by its corrupting influence. Prerequisites: Pure Faith, Divine Touch, Flames of Faith Effect: This Talent grants the faithful the ability to conjure a Soul Storm, a blast of pure holy energy that bursts from his eyes and mouth to consume everything nearby tainted by the warp. Triggering the soul storm is a Full Action and will affect everything within a radius of 10 metres times the faithful’s Willpower Bonus. Psykers and anyone with corruption points in this area will immediately suffer 1d10 Energy damage not reduced by armour or Toughness. In addition Psykers must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or suffer an additional 1d10 damage (also not reduced by armour or Toughness) and lose access to their powers for the remainder of the encounter. Those with corruption points will also take an additional 1 point of damage for every corruption point they have (also not reduced by armour or Toughness) as their taint burns within their soul. Daemons caught in the area of effect will also suffer 1d10 Energy Damage (not reduced for armour or Toughness) and must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test or lose access to their powers in the same way as psykers. Note however that very powerful daemons (those with a Willpower of 50 or more) are not affected by this power at all, though they may cringe from the Emperor’s light. Conjuring a Soul Storm is massively taxing to the faithful and will immediately inflict a number of levels of fatigue equal to his Toughness Bonus (effectively knocking him unconscious and causing him to collapse). Even when he comes to, the faithful may not conjure another Soul Storm for at least 24 hours. Burn: All damage inflicted by the Soul Storm is doubled.


  • Codex Hermanas de Batalla (Segunda Edición)
  • Blood of Martyrs.